1. What happens at the cathode? What happens at the anode? In a galvanic cell, which way to the electrons flow? In an electrolytic cell? What is the purpose of a salt bridge? How does it work? Do anions or cations flow to the cathode? To the anode?
Reduction happens at the cathode, which means gain of electrons. Oxidation happens at the anode, which means loss of electrons. (Remember Red Cat/An Ox and LEO goes GER.) In a galvanic, or spontaneous, cell, electrons flow from the anode to the cathode. In an electrolytic, or non-spontaneous, cell, electrons still flow from the anode to the cathode – the direction of electron flow is what defines the anode and the cathode. The purpose of the salt bridge is to balance the charge of each half reaction – without it, the reaction would stop much before completion because of the buildup of charge. It is a soluble salt (which is ionic by definition). The ionic bonds of the salt break apart as the reaction moves forward. Cations will flow into the cathode and anions will flow into the anode (makes sense, right?).
2. Balance the following redox reaction in acid:
MnO4-(aq) + Fe2+(aq) à Mn2+(aq) + Fe3+(aq)
Which half reaction is oxidation? Which is reduction? How many electrons does this process involve?
I. Split into half reactions:
Fe2+ à Fe3+ + e- (oxidation)
MnO4- à Mn2+ (reduction – this makes sense because it is losing oxygen)
The oxidation reaction is balanced but the reduction reaction is not – we must recall rules from chem 142.
Fe2+ à Fe3+ + e- (oxidation)
MnO4- à Mn2+ (reduction – this makes sense because it is losing oxygen)
The oxidation reaction is balanced but the reduction reaction is not – we must recall rules from chem 142.
II. Add water to balance oxygens:
MnO4- à Mn2+ + 4H2O
MnO4- à Mn2+ + 4H2O
III. Add H+ to balance H’s from water:
MnO4- + 8H+ à Mn2+ + 4H2O
MnO4- + 8H+ à Mn2+ + 4H2O
IV. Balance charge:
MnO4- + 8H+ + 5e- à Mn2+ + 4H2O
MnO4- + 8H+ + 5e- à Mn2+ + 4H2O
This process involves 5 electrons, and the total balanced reaction is:
MnO4- + 5Fe2+ + 8H+à Mn2+ + 5Fe3+ +4H2O
Now that you know the number of electrons of this redox reaction, you should be able to do calculations such as Ecell, Gibbs energy, etc. (given the necessary additional information).
3. What is the sign of Ecell in a galvanic cell? In an electrolytic cell? You should be able to calculate ΔG given Ecell, Ecell given Eocell (what does this mean?), equilibrium constant, K, and reaction quotient, Q. You should be able to use the Nernst equation. Write down the equations you would need for this. Know what each variable stands for.
Ecell in a galvanic cell is always positive and negative for an electrolytic cell.
ΔGo = -nFEocell
Eocell = RT/nF * ln(K)
Ecell = Eocell – RT/nF * ln(Q)
The last equation, the Nernst equation gives the Ecell for non-standard conditions. At standard conditions, all concentrations are equal to 1M.
ΔGo = -nFEocell
Eocell = RT/nF * ln(K)
Ecell = Eocell – RT/nF * ln(Q)
The last equation, the Nernst equation gives the Ecell for non-standard conditions. At standard conditions, all concentrations are equal to 1M.
4. Electrolysis of water has been proposed as a solution to the dwindling gasoline resources as a way to store energy in chemical bonds:
2H2O à 2H2 + O2
The fuel made in this reaction is H2, which is flammable in air. The reverse reaction of that listed above is highly exothermic. Electrolysis of water in an electrochemical cell is electrolytic, i.e. non-spontaneous. The Eocell for this reaction is -1.23 V.
a.) What is the Eocell for the hydrogen half reaction, 2H+ +2e- à H2? (Hint: you know this already without looking in any tables!)
Eocell for this reaction is 0 V. This is because the hydrogen half reaction is used as the ‘zero’ for electrochemistry, against which we measure all other half reactions. It is zero by definition.
b.) Using this information, what is the Eocell for the oxygen half reaction? Balance this half reaction.
The oxygen half reaction must therefore have an Eocell of -1.23 V. Balance reaction (from steps listed above):
I. 2H2O à O2
II. No need to add water
III. 2H2O à O2 + 4H+
IV. 2H2O à O2 + 4H+ + 4e-
I. 2H2O à O2
II. No need to add water
III. 2H2O à O2 + 4H+
IV. 2H2O à O2 + 4H+ + 4e-
c.) How many electrons are involved in this process? Be sure your overall reaction reduces to the reaction listed above.
This is a four-electron process. The reaction in part a.) must be multiplied by two and added to the balanced half reaction in part b.).
This is a four-electron process. The reaction in part a.) must be multiplied by two and added to the balanced half reaction in part b.).
5. The photoelectric effect was first observed by Hertz in 1887. Einstein was awarded his only Nobel Prize in 1921 for "for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect".
a.) What is the photoelectric effect? What does it tell us about light? Why is this significant?
The photoelectric effect is when light is shined on metal, electrons are ejected. This tells us that light interacts with matter and therefore has particle properties, in addition to its wave properties.
b.) If intensity of light shining on the metal increases, what changes? If wavelength of the light increases, what changes?
Increasing the intensity of light increases the number of electrons that are ejected from the metal. Increasing the wavelength (decreasing energy) will have no effect on the photoelectric effect until a certain cutoff wavelength, above which there is not enough energy to eject the electrons.
6. What is the difference between Ĥ, the Hamiltonian, and E, energy in the Schrödinger equation? What energy boundary conditions are imposed on the particle in a box? What is the physical meaning of Ψ*Ψ? What is Ψ*?
Ĥ is an operator, which tells you to do something to the wave function Ψ (namely, take derivatives) while energy E is a constant, or just a number. The Schrödinger equation says that when you operate on the wave function with the Hamiltonian, you will get back energy time the wave function: ĤΨ=EΨ. In particle in a box, the POTENTIAL energy inside the box is 0 and the PE outside the box is infinite. We do this because it is easy to do math to solve this problem (it can be done by hand and you will learn it in physical chemistry if you take that class). Ψ*Ψ is the probability of finding an electron in a certain spot. Places with zero probability are called NODES. Ψ* is the complex conjugate of the wave function. That just means that you put a negative in every place you see i, the square root of negative 1.